"It bloody stings doesn't it !!"
Constance, despite her agonies, nodded, blew into the hankie and dried her eyes then gave her daughter a slight re-assuring smile
Lesbian. .
. " "No Tanya, we dont want Rob seeing this.
"It bloody stings doesn't it !!"
Constance, despite her agonies, nodded, blew into the hankie and dried her eyes then gave her daughter a slight re-assuring smile
Lesbian. .
. " "No Tanya, we dont want Rob seeing this.
"It bloody stings doesn't it !!"
Constance, despite her agonies, nodded, blew into the hankie and dried her eyes then gave her daughter a slight re-assuring smile
Lesbian. .
. " "No Tanya, we dont want Rob seeing this.